

Tash-Khovli Palace is a building located on the territory of Icha-Kala of Khiva. It was built by the initiative of Alla Kuli-Khan in the 19th century. It consists of 163 room, a harem with a yard, mekhmonhona (hotel), and arzkhona (court). The Palace is distinctive by its unforgettable palette of paints, pictures, and Khiva carving. The facade of the building is covered with a beautiful and unique ornament.

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Juma mosque may be proudly called the spiritual center of Khiva. The definite peculiarity of the mosque is that the praying room has the roof which stands on the 200 poles of 4-5meter high. Each pole is covered with its own unique carving.

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Ichan-Kala is a medieval town in the very heart of Khiva, untouched by the long history. The town is fenced by a massive wall 8-10 meters high and 5-6 meters wide and more than 2200 meters long. All these walls make the town very magnificent and impressive.

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Ak-Saray Palace is one of the main treasures of the Temurids dynasty. It is located in the city of Shakhrisabz, the hometown of Amir Temur. The palace included a lot of buildings. Tt was fenced with a wall around the perimeter, which made it an unapproachable fortress.

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Kok-Gumbaz is a memorial complex towering over Shahrisabz, with a blue dome 46 meters in diameter. Here the sounds of voices and actions come to life and, while merging, are transformed into a bizarre and at the same time terrible echo. The mosque, characterized by painted ornaments and patterns, is the largest in the city.

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Dorut-Tilovat is a historical monument of Shakhrisabz. This architectural structure was founded by Sheikh Shamsitdin Kulal (one of the founders of Sufism), who was the spiritual mentor of Amir Temur’s father Muhammad Taragai and Tamerlane himself. He created a madrasah, where it was possible to study the moral and religious customs, and the foundations of Sufism.

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The Registan Square is one of the most magnificent squares not only of Samarkand, but also of Central Asia. There are three madrasas on the square: Ulugbek madrasah, Sherdor madrasah and Tillya-Kari madrasah. Each structure is distinguished by its unique ornament and pattern, the beauty and grandeur of which brings a feeling of delight.

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Shah-i-Zinda necropolis is the only architectural monument in Samarkand, which reflects the centuries-old history of the city. The main building of the complex is the mausoleum of Kusama ibn Abbas. Shah-i-Zinda is distinguished by its elegance, the uniqueness of each pattern, and the variety of ornaments.

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Gur-Emir is a mausoleum where the rulers of the Temurids dynasty are buried. It is translated as “the tomb of the sovereign.” Amir Temur himself, his two sons Shokhrukh and Mironshokh, and his grandsons Mohammed Sultan and Mirzo Ulugbek are all buried here. Gur-Emir Mausoleum is the architectural heritage of Central Asia, which preserves many legends and mysteries.

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